Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Introductory Post

Hi everyone, my name is Elsie. I am majoring in Psychology and hope to one day become a psychologist.
I have some experience in communication as I am sure most of us all have. Communicating is really important to me as I like to express my feelings and understand other people's emotions and feelings as well. This class could benefit me in the way that it could help me express myself better to make any type of communication easier and better. I have taken one online class before and really enjoyed it (:
Some of my interests include music, ice hockey, art, and dance. I also love to travel and hope to one day be able to go to India or China and volunteer in an Orphanage. Helping people is one of my biggest passion as I love to see other people happy. I would definitely love to work with the red cross in my future or do something of that sort. I am also very family and friend oriented so I spend most of my free time with them (:
I think that is pretty much all you need to know about me! (:


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