Sunday, August 29, 2010

Subjective & Objective Claims

A subjective Claim I have heard recently was, "Indian food is way too spicy." A subjective claim is a claim which is based on personal standards according to one's specific tastes, standards, etc. My friend had made this specific statement after some friends and I had gone to an Indian restaurant. I however found the food to be great and did not find it too spicy. My friend had made a Subjective Claim in the way that her personal standards found the food to be too spicy. Her claim was based on her own likings and did not make the claim accurate to everyone else.
An Objective Claim I have recently heard was, "You weigh 122lbs." An Objective Claim is a claim which is based on impersonal standards meaning that it is not based on someone's likings or preferences but is based on real and true facts which cannot be altered. When my doctor took my weigh and told me I weighed 122lbs, I could not change it to my likings or anyone else's. Of course I could gain or lose weigh according to my own liking but as of right now, my weigh is what it is whether i like it or not. This specific claim was therefore an Objective Claim as it was not based on personal standards.


  1. I personally like the subjective claim you made about Indian food. It provided a good example because you explained that people have different standards of what is spicy and not spicy. According to my own tongue, it takes a lot of spice for me to consider food spicy, and some people consider one piece of Hot Cheetos to be very spicy. Personally, I like Indian food, and I've been craving it all summer. Sadly I wasn't able to get to a restaurant due to being busy.
    Going back on topic, Your objective claim is also a good example because you provided a fact with your weight, and not an opinion. That is because a doctor told you, and what doctors tell you is fact/true, which is proven through tests. So overall you got the basics down comparing what objective claims and subjective claims are.
    Now for some criticisms, do not be offended, I am only trying to help you so that our teacher does not grade you down on grammar, just in case that happens. Just take the time to proofread a little bit on this post, I caught some minor errors such as using weight instead of weigh, and run-on sentences. It's only a few minor mistakes, but but can easily be fixed up!


  2. I like your subjective claim. I made a similar one in my blog. I think food is a topic that is very personal when stating facts about them. Due to the fact that every individual has their own personal standards when food is concerned. I know I would be like your friend because I prefer food to be not on the spicy side. Your subjective claim is really good. Something as "concrete" as weight is not going to be easy to swayed by personal standards. Due to the fact that it is a fact despite the possibility of your weight changing.
