Wednesday, December 8, 2010

What I've learned...

To be honest, when I first started this course, I was not expecting to finish it with so much information which I could actually use in real life. For whatever reason, I thought that I would retain the information for a while, but that eventually, I would not use the skills we learned. I have to say that I was gladly surprised when I found out that it actually was not the case. It turns out that I have learned a lot from this class. Going over all the different types of reasonings, as well as fallacies was truly interesting. I may not remember all the different names for each types, but I have learned that there are many different ways to reason, each with their own purposes. The one thing which I learned in this class and found the most useful is how to communicate effectively with group members. I have learned from this class how to communicate well and how to express my thoughts and feelings in such a manner that would improve the outcome of a situation. I was overall very surprised when this course came to an end because I realized that I had learned a lot more than I expected to.

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