Thursday, October 21, 2010

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 talks about general claims using words such as: all, some, no, and only.
One thing I learned about chapter 8 is what a direct way of reasoning is. An example of a direct way of reasoning with "all" for example would be: "All cats eat cat food. Ginger is a cat. So Ginger eats cat food." Now arguing backwards with "all" would turn the argument into: "All cats eat cat food. Ginger eats cat food. So Ginger is a cat." The argument is then weak. An argument with "no" for example would be: "All cats eat cat food. No dog is a cat. So no dog eats cat food."
Chapter 8 also explains how to reason with an argument by using diagrams. I felt that the diagrams were really helpful and made it clearer to understand the argument.
Chapter 8 was I thought pretty easy to understand and the examples used were very clear and helpful.


  1. I really like how you talked about direct way of reasoning and arguing backwards because the outcomes can be different. Just like the at example you made, that all cats eat cat food, then Ginger is a cat for eating cat food. That is a good point but not necessarily a solid one. Ants would eat cat food if it is just lying around on the ground because ants eat anything from garbage to poop. So with that said, just because ants ate cat food doesn't make ants, cats. One thing though Elsie, I caught the word "week" used, I suggest you change that to weak. Other than that, nicely done and keep up the good work!

  2. I enjoyed reading your post because of the way you presented it. You summarized the chapter in a fun and interesting way that still gave some important information such as arguing backwards. I also liked how you discussed how direct reasoning could make your argument strong, but arguing backwards made the argument less appealing and weak. Your examples are also strong giving the reader a good view of each concept that was discussed in the chapter. Overall I really enjoyed your post from beginning to end and felt that it gave a lot of information in a fun way that was easily understandable. Good Job!
