Thursday, November 18, 2010

Cause & Effect Website

I overall found the Cause and Effect website to be very interesting and helpful. I really liked how it included an example everyone can relate to; as most of us drive and have either been in an accident before or have seen some kind of accident happen. I thought it was therefore very easy to relate to the example, or at least understand it.
I also really liked how the website ended by stating the three factors used to determine how strong an argument is:
  1. how acceptable or demonstrable the implied comparison is-
  2. how likely the case for causation seems to be-
  3. how credible the "only significant difference" or "only significant commonality" claim is-
I also found the examples towards the end of the website to be of great use. They were a very good practice, and I really liked how the website explains the answers to you. If you got the answer wrong, it explains to you why it was not the right answer.
I overall thought that the website was very helpful, and very clear, which made it easy to understand and read.


  1. Elsie,
    I too found that this website was very helpful. The example of the bicycle and the car crash exemplified the idea of cause and effect quite well. The three main factors that you have outlined are the three main points of arguments that basically outline how a causal argument is formatted. I also found the reverse causation and post hoc reasoning pretty interesting too because they have certain circumstances in which they follow that show the certain flow of events and both had different causes. As you said, the website had great explanations for every term and provided great examples. Overall good post and good job stating the main points.

  2. I also found the cause and effect web site to be very helpful. With the way the web site was laid out, the examples which involve real world situations makes it very easy for the reader to relate to like you said. The three factors that you listed in your discussion to evaluate the strength of an argument are very straight forward as well. Presenting examples in this manner makes it very easy to interpret the exercises and properly understand the subject of the web site. This accomplishes the main goal of the web site, which is to define the basis behind arguments and how to create a strong argument.

  3. Hello,
    As always I found your blog post very helpful once again. I also agree with you how interesting and helpful the Cause and Effect website is to m. I believe it also gave a great straightforward and in-depth definition of how Cause and Effect works when it comes to claims and arguments. The example that was given in the site was also very helpful and relatable like what you mentioned in your post. I could not agree more that it is something that anyone can relate to, really, especially if you’re a driver. I also found it useful that you included in your post how strong an argument is. The exercises offered in the site were also very helpful as the rest of it, because it does explain it to you why you got an answer wrong. Another great post! Keep it up :)

  4. Thank you for your comments this week. I too enjoyed the cause and effect website from this weeks readings. The website does have, “the website ended by stating the three factors used to determine how strong an argument is,” but the text has six. For the most part I can see how the reasoning’s in the text can be condensed down to the ones of the site, but it was helpful to have the detail first in the readings. I didn’t see the example that fixed for a wrong answer, but then I only did two exercises. Thank you for your bolg , and happy holidays.

  5. I also found this website to be helpful as well. Although, I have not been in a car accident so far in my life, and I hope I never will get into one (at least I hope it is not me who causes the accident. I have seen accidents before, and they are not exactly the most pleasant thing to see in public. Cause and effect is a great way argue in my opinion that way you can pin point what caused it. Like the example on the website, it was rooting the cause of the accident. By using cause and effect in an argument, it helps break down premises and conclusions to make an argument stronger.
